Thursday, May 13, 2010

More on Paestum by Alex

We are often somewhat unsure exactly what we will be seeing each day. We were told we would be seeing some Greek and Roman ruins but none of us expected anything this spectacular. One minute you are walking past a resturaunt and the next you are seeing something that seems like its from another world. This happened to us a few days ago when we visited the ruins of Paestum.

The site consists of three Temples constructed by the Greeks after the founding of the city around 650 BC. One temple (the Acropolis) sits on the cities highest hill and is dedicated to the Goddess Athena, another temple is dedicated to Hera and the deity the third temple is dedicated to is uncertain. It could be another temple to Hera (Goddess of fertility) or to Poseidon(God of the Sea). Each temple is constructed in the same style with huge columns surrounding a rectangular enclosure which would have originally been closed to worshipers. Each temple would have had a wooden roof but those have not stood the test of time like the giant limestone blocks that make up the columns and temple floor.
The whole site is connected by ancient Roman roads. Really large stones sunk into the ground. While primitive now these roads were the lifeline of the Roman Republic and Empire allowing trade to flourish and troops to be quickly moved for defense.

The surrounding environs of the site are Roman (having torn down the Greek style houses after taking the city). One can see the remains of tombs, houses, the forum (open air public meeting place), amphitheater and even a swimming pool.


  1. Sounds like you are having a wonderful experience!
    Great pictures and comments.


  2. Wow---amazing what you see along the roadways....and we think we have some old buildings in the USA....

