Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Day of the Buffala...

Yesterday we spent the day experiencing the products of buffalo (buffala in Italian). Buffalo milk unlike the cow milk we are use to is a very important industry in Southern Italy. We started off our day touring a local farm with over 250 buffalo ranging from newborns to mature prize winners. It was amazing seeing their efficiency. We then went on to the mozzarella plant where they made, you guessed it, mozzarella made of buffalo milk or mozzarella buffala. If you have never had the opportunity to travel to this region than we recommend you disregard any thoughts you may have had on what “fresh mozzarella” may taste like. I don’t think any of us have ever had anything that even remotely compares to what we have had here and I am not sure if any of us will ever be able to look at mozzarella the same way again once we return to the states. Elisa being the agricultural enthusiast that she is did make a valid point…Why don’t the dairy farmers in our area specialize in cheese? We think there could be a market but maybe that is just us? Besides for the mozzarella we also had the chance to experience buffalo ice cream and even buffalo meat. The meat of course comes from the poor unfortunate animals that cannot produce milk. Apparently buffalo meat isn’t as popular as the milk however we still managed to find it on our plate at the end of the day. For whatever reason we found yesterday to be the “day of buffala” but we’re OK with that since I don’t think any of us were disappointed.

1 comment:

  1. I love Buffula---nothing better than thin slices with vine ripe tomatoes and a bit of basil all drizzled with fresh virgin olive oil. Yum!

    Glad you had the opportunity to taste it.

    Food Glorious Food.....yeah Italy!!
