Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Journal - Alex

I have a new journal to bring with me and write down everything I see in Italy. Can't wait to fill this blog up with everything I see so everyone back home can see what I am doing!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Uniform Selection - Elisa

Our team has been meeting throughout the winter to prepare for our travels and learning adventures together. A fun group activity to determine some of our preferences was to decide how we would spend remaining money that had not been converted to foreign currency. Within 2 minutes the team had selected beverages (it quickly determined the coffee drinkers of the group) and a snack (most likely 2 cookies to share). We knew we would want a nourishment pick-up in the airport to fuel our reading and practicing of Italian phrases.
However, we learned of strong preferences when the group had to select a uniform. Fortunately we had a wide range to choose from - all one color, khaki and black, navy and gray, red and black, etc. There were more options than one might even think about. Additionally, these outfits will be worn multiple times each week and for a wide variety of activities, so this was not a decision to be made lightly.
We balanced color combinations that are good for pictures, our own skin tones, what matches our own button-up shirts, and what we could wear for an entire day and still look presentable at dinner ... and our conclusion was: navy blue blazers and gray pants/skirts. You will see many pictures to come of us in this color scheme ... and thankfully we all agreed upon it in the end!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Partner GSE Team - Jeff

We are preparing to depart for Italy in May, but first we anticipate the arrival of our partnering GSE team members from Italy's Rotary District 2100 during the month of April. We are looking forward to meeting Vittorio, team leader, Sabrina, Giuditta, David, and Elisa. We already share a nice commonality with our Italian partners. By coincidence, our teams both consist of a team member with the distinguished first name Elisa.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Italian Lessons - Elisa

Ciao! Our journal entries will provide stories of our daily adventures in preparation for our journey, during our trip, and after our travels. We enjoyed the winter wonderland of southwestern Pennsylvania with record snowfalls this past winter. Fortunately the weather slowed down the daily pace of life so that we have had extra time to practice Italian.

My phrase book has become my lunch break reading. The Italian CD's have me riding in the car and walking around my apartment trying to make fluid comprehensible sentences. The on-line course improved my grammar, reading, and writing skills.